網頁版DDOSWeb DDOS僅供演示和測試目的使用,如用於非法用途後果自負。Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any malicious use of this demonstration, nor any damages caused by it. It was created as an example of the serious conseq...
網頁版DDOSWeb DDOS僅供演示和測試目的使用,如用於非法用途後果自負。Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any malicious use of this demonstration, nor any damages caused by it. It was created as an example of the serious conseq...
一朋友的香港空间昨天挂了,起初是数据库连接出错,后来干脆不能访问了,出现Service Unavailable。询问空间商,说是:這個域名是由於有太多的連接連到這域名,已超出這個域名的連線上限,所以才會出現無法顯示或連不到數據庫。這個域名的網站連線限制是 500。